Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I'm so glad my kids can make me laugh

My kids are funny.  I don't always appreciate their humor because I am busy trying to make sure they are growing up to be polite little people, but this last week has brought a couple of great moments.  And brace yourself, a post with no pictures.

One time this week Addie and I were sitting on the couch chatting.  We watched the movie "Rescuers Down Under" for the first time last week and Addie is learning an Australian version of Jingle Bells at school right now, so Australia has been a big topic of discussion.    I told Addie how her Nannie (my Mom) and her Poppa (Jon's Dad) both really wanted to go to Australia in their younger days, but never were able to make the trip.   Since we have talked about travel a lot with this move we are always up for new destinations.  Jon and I like to talk about all the places we want to go and when and who can come with us, maybe I like to plan and Jon humors me.  Addie loves her grand parents and misses them all so much right now and would love to see them.  As she is taking all of this information in she looked me in the eyes and whispered "Let's book the tickets."

Another day this week I was trying to get Ben to come down for dinner.  He had been sent to his room for something and for some reason he did not want to come down.  I was standing at the bottom of the stairs telling him to come down and in his most serious little voice he said "But Mom, I'm trying to get the party started."  He wasn't whining or being disrespectful, I did have a hard time keeping myself together, but he did eventually come down and eat dinner.

Garrett is about to turn 2 and his verbal skills are growing each day.  He will say "Hi Hi" (a very Norwegian greeting) when we are out and about and people always smile at his sweet little voice.  He will say Bye Bye when we leave, but is becoming very comfortable with "Hade" (how Norwegians say good bye).  He will reach up his little arms to you and say "Hold me."  How can you not stop what you are doing with that kind of plea.  The most precious times with him right now are his prayers.  He folds his little hands in the most proper way and just starts going to town.  Tonight he prayed for Mommy, Addie and Qunitamama (peanut butter).  You never know who is going to make their way into his little heart when he is praying.

I know I am their mom and I am much more likely to find these moments amusing, but I still wanted to share.  I love these crazy children so much and I am having so much fun seeing them grow and adapt to their new home.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet of you to post these little events in the lives of the grandchildren. Little things like these make for wonderful memories. Glad all of you are adjusting to living so far away. Love and miss you all. PS: Did you book the tickets yet? Do Gene and I get to tag along with Nannie & Poppa?? I want to go to Australia too!! But then I would be happy to go to Norway!
