At the beginning of December there was an event at Addie and Ben's school that I had volunteered to organize. It was a pretty big job, and thankfully I had a great team to help get it done. While I was at the event I got this photo, my team of super heroes were ready to protect the world.
My mom had come for a visit and brought all of these fun costumes with her. She had a happy family ready to try them all on.
Later in the day the family came up to the event.
The kids got to do crafts,
lots of crafts.
Then Santa came!
Nannie was such a good helper with all of the crafts.
Garrett got his face painted with a dragon,
it was pretty awesome.
We had ove 40 great vendors, one of the only ones I actually got to shop at was Paris Etcetera.
They have beautiful souvenirs of Paris and they can customize pretty much anything. The plate on the right in this picture can be customized with your family and I think it would be an amazing piece to take away from our time here.
One of the popular tables at our market is the American Foods table, or the Hard to Find Foods Table as it was known this year. This is how it looked first thing in the morning.
Look at all of that cereal! The prices were roughly what the item would cost in the US, only in Euros. You can find a lot of these things in Paris, but you pay a lot for them here. I have seen Lucky Charms as high as 11 euros a box.
This was the Hard to Find Food Table at the end of the day. It was a successful sale.
My friend, Lindsay, was a huge help on the day of the event. She did a little bit of everything, including helping out with Malachi.
I was feeling very festive that day.
The Holiday Boutique was a big event, and I had fun, but I am glad that it is over. Now on to all the birthday celebrations in our house in December.
Good times!