Addie was so good about being gentle with the animals this time.
Mondi gets so jealous of Abigail if she gets any attention.
Ben loving some blueberry pancakes that Nannie made for him.
Ben was enthusiastic about the animals, but not so gentle. They learned quickly though how to get away from him when he got too rough.
That night Aunt Laura painted Addie's finger and toe nails. Addie sat so still while she did it. Addie decided she was hungry when she was sitting their letting her nails dry to Aunt Laura fed her her dinner. One little princess training the next generation, too cute.
The next morning we were up early to drive back to the airport for the kids and I to fly back to Texas. This was the part of the trip that I was most nervous about. I didn't know how I would handle both kids by myself. They were so good all day I really had nothing to worry about. We made our connection just fine and they both feel asleep on me during the worst turbulence I have felt during our second flight and slept the whole way to Texas. I'm glad my kids like traveling because we love to visit all of our friends and family.
Love the last picture of Addie being fed!