Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Big Kids

The Big Kids are getting bigger every day and amazingly they have been getting along better.  
 You can see what united the two, the Ipad.  They are not supposed to touch it, but they were looking at pictures together and it was so sweet.
 I LOVE this picture.
 So often they are fighting or antagonizing each other, I cherish these sweet moments.
 Here is crazy Ben, I have no idea how he got up there, but he couldn't get down.  I love this crazy little boy.
 When I brought their afternoon snack upstairs this is what I found.  Ben had gotten out of bed from his nap and was sitting with Addie.  I don't know what I have done to deserve such sweet kiddos this week, but right now I will take it.
Notice there are no pictures of Garrett in this post.  I love the little guy, but he is a mess right now.  He is loving his new walking skill and he does NOT like to sit still for a picture, and he hasn't been that sweet to his brother or sister lately.  I know it is a phase and he will grow into the sweet little boy I know is in there somewhere, but wow, I have had my hands full.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, God gives us what we can handle, right? At least the older two decided to be buddies this week so that you could focus on Garrett. Your kids are beautiful, and you are doing an amazing job!
